Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Life on the D Line.

I got to Starbucks last night in 10 minutes... I got on the train at 6:16 PM. I arrived at Arlington, walked down the corridor (which by itself takes a couple of minutes), walked into my Starbucks, ordered a drink, made the drink, walked downstairs, and went into the back room... and only then, the clock displayed 6:29 PM. So the trip in itself had to have taken less than 10 minutes. That's amazing. When I lived on the B line, the commute took at least 30 minutes. I go a greater distance on the D line, and yet, I do it in about a third of the time. Amazing.

It's quiet. There are few or no students. It's mostly young professionals or professionals who have families. It comes on time. It's hardly ever overpacked.

I'm loving it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.